The larger the confining pressure, the larger the frost heaving strain and stress.
This article provides the preventive method of road frost heaving - boiling in alpine area.
The tangent frost heaving stress will generate stress concentration at the pile defects, thus damaging the pile body.
The horizontal Frost heaving force acting on the retaining wall is one of the primary design loads in seasonal frost regions.
Research about salt and frost heaving is helpful to further know the engineering properties of sulfate(sulfurous) saline soil.
The mechanism of frost heaving of canal lining blocks is studied and the methods of calculating frost heaving and freezing of canal are discussed.
The disease of subgrade in permafrost region was mainly induced by frost heaving and thawing circulation of frozen soils because of change of seasons.
It not only solves the problem of frost heaving of canal but also declares the maintenance cost, improves the efficiency of routing, and saves water resources.
The frost heaving damage can be thoroughly solved by laying a heat preservation layer in good condition under the rigid lining to prevent the frost heaving of the base soil.
The frost heaving damage is main damage form of lining channel in north China, which is an integrative result of temperature, water content, soil characteristic and frost force.
From adding substances to have physical and chemical effect on forst heaving soil grain to change the feature of the base, then reduce or eliminate the frost heaving feature of base soil.
First time test on the sea water frost heaving characteristics in sealed bushing of oil well in the sea was made in 1998. A measurement system for the various kinds of parameters is set up.
This paper expounds the test results of the freezing Process of sea water, the excessive cold temperature of sea water, the frozen water temperature, sea water frost heaving force and the tube strain.
The horizontal frost-heaving force is attenuated in the process of excavation with the maximum attenuation rate being 40 percent.
In the deep excavation, row-piles are imposed larger horizontal frost-heaving force, but the force value is intractable to ascertain exactly.
The aging of concrete DAMS is manifested by surface carbonization, freeze-thaw, abrasion, weathering, internal corrosion, frost-heaving, cracks, water erosion and et al.
The results indicate that using releasing-pressure holes can sharply reduce the horizontal frost-heaving force aga...
Pressure relief holes give a big help to decrease the frost-heaving pressure and excavate soil enclosed by frozen curtain.
Pressure relief holes give a big help to decrease the frost-heaving pressure and excavate soil enclosed by frozen curtain.