A good tip for summer eating is to limit frozen treats like ice cream to no more than once a week.
The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has none of the fat.
Unless labeled fat-free, many frozen yogurts contain nearly the same amount of fat as a reduced-fat ice cream, as well as the same number of calories.
Instead of offering the traditional vanilla whip cones, these frozen feasts contain gammon and chicken ice cream.
It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to limit frozen treats like ice cream to no more than once a week.
Mum, I see some ice-cream at the frozen food section.
In an age when ice cream companies are melting away and reforming as purveyors of frozen yoghurt, is this dinky piece of homespun cheeriness really the best focus of the company's efforts?
First, ice cream is frozen in serving-sized rounds, then dressed in a warm overcoat of crushed cereal and refrozen in its coating.
Replace ice cream and milkshake with frozen yogurt and mixed fruit yogurt smoothie.
King Charles I of England, for instance, paid a lot of money to stop his cook from giving the recipe for his delicious frozen cream to anyone else.
Triton seemed to have a history like ice cream carried home in August: frozen, melted, then frozen again.
Do they have ice cream bars. frozen yogurt or frozen chocolate mousse?
Can you please get some ice-cream from the frozen foods aisle?
Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve with fresh vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt.
Instead of sipping ice cream soup, you bite into frozen ice cream!
Ice cream: Frozen dairy food. Ice cream is made from cream or butterfat, milk, sugar, and flavourings.
Thee futuristic frozen treat has been developed for Wall's Ice Cream by food designers Bompas and Parr.
这款前卫的冷饮是食物设计师邦帕和帕尔在和路雪的“可爱多”的基础上设计而成的。 。
Frozen cream cheese decorated with homemade marshmallow and glazed with melted chocolate.
Oh, and when shopping for groceries, avoid the aisles with cookies, frozen pizzas and ice-cream it's not the best place to test your will-power.
Or, instead of regular ice cream, try low-fat frozen yogurt.
Today, the ice cream division supplies more than 200 types of ice cream products that allow our consumers to enjoy our frozen desserts at any time.
Just pour in drink ingredients, add fresh, frozen fruit or ice cream, and the Portion Blending System has the power to blend and homogenize it all.
We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is one of the largest cleaning, skin cleansing and hair care product manufacturers.
We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is the second largest cleaning, skin cleansing and hair care product manufacturer.
We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is the second largest cleaning, skin clea ing and hair care product manufacturer.
We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine seasoning product manufacturer, is one of the largest cleaning, skin cleansing hair care product manufacturers.
The frozen balls are ice cream balls (3) or ice cream balls (5).
The frozen balls are ice cream balls (3) or ice cream balls (5).