Although the study was conducted in a lowly fruit fly, the principles were very likely apply to many animals.
For example, in the fruit fly, researchers have identified the gene Shaker, mutations in which cause flies to shake violently under anesthesia.
This drift has been studied extensively in many animals and in biological activities ranging from the hatching of fruit fly eggs to wheel running by squirrels.
Studying the fruit fly, a household nuisance but a time-honored experimental subject, has enabled the secrets of how embryos develop to begin to be unraveled by scientists.
Suppose we do it with a fruit fly.
We believe the fruit fly can be such an organism.
They compared sperm from a fruit fly, sea urchin, rooster, fish and human.
This is one more reason why the fruit fly is a great model for studying humans.
QPRIMER supports human, mouse, rat, chicken, dog, zebrafish and fruit fly.
A fruit fly flew through the flute and into the throat of the frightened flutist.
If I can fruit fly, I 'sword Hill song I used to fly EGA to understand martial arts.
First, certain types of wasps prey on fruit flies by injecting eggs inside fruit fly larvae.
Studies on yeast, nematode, fruit fly, and mouse outlined rough mechanism for the mysterious question.
Conducting their experiments on the rapidly-reproducing fruit fly, the scientists were able to test this new theory.
Wigan spent months carving the model out of gold flakes, using the hair from the leg of a fruit fly as a brush.
In the fruit fly, the best-studied odor detectors, odorant receptors, are found on only about 70 percent of olfactory neurons.
Unless an infected larva kills the wasp egg, it hatches and the wasp larva eats its way out from inside the fruit fly larva, killing it.
Liang studied the genomes of arabidopsis, aspergillus, the fruit fly and the mouse, and found that a good average word length is 12 letters.
That may not sound like a long time. However, the researchers remind us that one day in the life of a fruit fly is equal to one human year.
So Austrian postdoctoral fellow Eleftheria Vrontou, the lead author, packed up their flies and took them to the Boston fruit fly fight club.
所以文章的第一作者奥地利博士后EleftheriaVrontou 将他们的果蝇打包,把它们带到了波士顿的“果蝇攻击俱乐部”。
It was always my dream that the drosophila (fruit fly) adipose gene would turn out to be a model for controlling obesity and type 2 diabetes.
If fruit flies could talk, that's probably how they would call bouts in the Fruit Fly Fight Club in Edward Kravitz's lab at Harvard University.
ABSTRACT: German winemakers have become the latest in Europe to raise concerns over an Asian fruit fly that causes grapes to rot in the vineyards.
The paper studied on the test of survival of fruit fly and experiment of Anti-oxidant of mouse with procyanidin from lotus leaf as functional facts.
The oriental fruit fly ( Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) could injury more than 10 fruit species in Yunnan, especially mango, pear, peach, orange and so on.
The results show that it is a convenient technique for cloning new gene by searching EST database with homologous gene of model species such as fruit fly.
The results show that it is a convenient technique for cloning new gene by searching EST database with homologous gene of model species such as fruit fly.