He foraged for wild fruits and berries and other edible plants.
Production data include data published on individual fruits and berries shown separately, as well as data on all other kinds of fruits and berries.
Another option is to use frozen fruits, such as grapes and berries, which kids love to eat right out of the freezer.
It builds a roofed bower, complete with moss flooring, and ornaments from the surrounding forests—including fruits, berries, and acorns.
Many of us love July because it's the month when berries and stone fruits are in abundance.
The pop star will be pampered with her favourite exotic fruits -- papayas from Hawaii, peaches and prunes from Dubai and Australian berries, Mumbai's Mirror newspaper reported.
Marion: I always say start with the berries because they're the fruits that get the most pesticides, and they're the one's most likely to be pesticided.
Thrushes and berries go together like ice cream and August but these wild fruits are an equally important ingredient in the diet of black grouse and capercaillies (bilberries).
I also pack snacks, such as nuts or fruits or yogurt (I use soy yogurt and granola and berries) or pretzels, and I can eat these whenever I get hungry.
Berries, grapes, and citrus contain a near-equal ratio of the sugars fructose and glucose, making them easier to digest than fruits with more fructose, such as honeydew, apples, and pears.
Kashi cereal with soymilk and berries or other fruits.
It builds a roofed bower, complete with moss flooring, and ornaments from the surrounding forests - including fruits, berries, acorns, butterfly wings and deer dung.
Berries are sometimes referred to as “super-fruits” because most of them contain fisetin and flavenoid, which are great for improving your memory and allowing you to easily recall past events.
Florida and California are famous for their citrus fruits and tropical avocados; the cool rainy northeastern states for apples, pears, berries and vegetables.
Foods covered include meat, fish, seafood, fruits, berries, starches, fats and even water.
During the last two days they were not allowed to eat chocolate or anything containing similar compounds, including many kinds of berries and fruits, nor could they drink coffee, tea, or wine.
These foods include oatmeal, fish, fresh berries – especially blueberries, and fresh fruits and vegetables, including beans of all varieties.
The new biofuel can be made directly from fructose, which is present in fruits such as apples, pears, berries and melons as well as some root vegetables.
Pumpkins, corn, grapes, persimmons, mulberries, all sorts of berries and wild fruits, beans, peas, squash, sunflowers, tobacco, groves of oranges, and cane fields that spread in all directions.
For those who do not live where berries grow naturally and plentifully, these natural dessert fruits can be enjoyed while visiting those areas lucky enough to have them.
This Icon can be used to indicate a special garden that, though private, can be easily seen by pedestrians Collect wild food here, including mushrooms, seaweed, berries, fruits, and greens.
Green Apple, Vanilla, Orange, Berries, Fruits and nuts, Plant leaves, Chocolate, Candy and marshmallows, ICE CREAM, Cookies, Sweet Land.
DESCRIPTION FRUCTOSE (C6H12O6, also called levulose or laevulose), is a monosaccharide found in honey, tree fruits, berries, melons, and some root vegetables along with glucose and galactose.
Fruits, berries and vegetables after treatment will form a layer of transparent membrane on the outer surface so that it can be stored for long time to prevent from shrivelling up and putrid.
Fruits, berries and vegetables after treatment will form a layer of transparent membrane on the outer surface so that it can be stored for long time to prevent from shrivelling up and putrid.