This file must contain the full directory path to wherever this source directory exists (with hanging slash but all Spaces trimmed).
If you're in some other directory, there's no need to go home first or to type the full directory path. Just use the tilde character.
You can create the directory anywhere on the server or a connected file drive by specifying a full path.
If, however, the file resides outside this directory, you need a full path to the file.
This article assumes that the full path of the directory is d: \ JCE1.2.2.
本文假设该目录的完整路径是D: \JCE1.2.2。
Before running the example, make sure you assign the DERBY_HOME variable to the full path to the directory in which Derby is installed and save the SQL script in a file called create.sql.
在运行这个例子之前,请确保将DERBY_HOME变量指定为Derby安装到的那个目录的完整路径,并将这个sql脚本保存到名为create . sql的一个文件内。
The Properties window shows a Location field which has the full file system path to the airlinesDB directory.
You can press Enter to accept the default location, or you can enter the full path to your log root directory.
您可以按Enter 键接受默认位置,也可以输入您的日志根目录的完整路径。
You can press enter to accept the default location, or you can enter the full path to your config root directory.
In the Classpath field, specify the full path of each JAR file contained in the directory in which you expanded the dependencies archive.
If a connection was not made, check to make sure the network server has been started, and that derby.system.home has been set to the full path to the data directory under the LowFareAir folder.
如果没有成功建立连接,那么检查网络服务器是否已经启动,以及derby . system . home是否被设为LowFareAir文件夹下data目录的完整路径。
If you remembered to CD to the directory that has the.toc file, you don't need to specify the full path name.
On the machine used in this example, the full path to the directory where the Firefox executable resides is c: \ projects \ Ajax \ Mozilla Firefox.
在本例使用的计算机上,Firefox可执行文件所在目录的完整路径为c: \projects \Ajax \Mozilla Firefox。
Edit the value for the derby.system.home property to the full path of your data directory.
编辑derby. system . home属性的值,将其设置为data目录的完整路径。
The path provided when using this option must specify the full path of the directory that contains the native libraries. For example, to specify native path information at the cell scope.
For example, the directory, lpi103-2, that we created in the earlier article was created in my home directory, /home/ian, so its full, or absolute, path is /home/ian/lpi103-2.
例如,我们在早期文章中在我的主目录 /home/ian 中创建的目录lpi103-2,它的完整(即绝对)路径为 /home/ian/lpi103-2。
Now make sure php.exe under the PHP home directory is in your path or specify the full path to it and run the script.
现在,请确保php主目录下的php .exe在您的路径中,或者指定到它的全路经并运行该脚本。
Because we're not passing a full path, this will be created as a subdirectory of the current working directory (if it does not already exist).
The full path to the actual directory that contains the files you want to make accessible through this virtual directory.
The metadata cache contains the full path names of directories and files as keys and metadata (e.g. file length, last modification date, and whether the key is a file or a directory) as values.
You can press Enter to accept the default location, or you can enter the full path to your log file directory.
您可以按Enter 键接受默认名称,也可以输入您的日志文件名称。
You can create the directory anywhere on the server or aconnected file drive by specifying a full path.
Otherwise it must include the full path to the upload file directory that a browser would see.
In Windows cmd, how do I run an executable in the current directory (instead of one with the same name in %PATH%) without referring to the full path?
A full path includes a drive name and one or more directory names.
HOMEPATH: Lists the full path of the user's home directory.
Specifies the full path of a working directory in which the external program will start.
The full-text catalog will be created as a directory in the root path specified; the directory name will be the name of the full-text catalog.
Of course, replace user with your user name, or otherwise enure that you specify a full path to the Linux directory you used to build the package.
Of course, replace user with your user name, or otherwise enure that you specify a full path to the Linux directory you used to build the package.