In addition to a D-pad, buttons and analog joysticks, there's a full QWERTY keyboard.
The handset has a 3.2-inch touch screen that slides up to reveal a full QWERTY keyboard.
With both a full QWERTY keyboard and color touchscreen, everything you need is at your fingertips.
It is equipped with a full QWERTY keyboard as well as industry-leading email and messaging capabilities.
Multiple ways to navigate. You've got the touch screen, roller ball, full qwerty keyboard and the four buttons below the screen.
The full QWERTY keyboard on the bottom part of the slider is especially useful for those who send a lot of text messages or email.
Palm Pre拥有的全qwerty键盘做为底部滑盖一部分,对那些喜欢发很多短信或邮件的人来说特别实用。
Google tv-the search giant's Internet TV effort-relies on a full QWERTY keyboard, a feature that many think is too unwieldy to be practical.
GoogleTV -搜索巨人推出的互联网电视-尝试将QWERTY键盘提供给用户,大部分人认为是笨拙和不实用的。
The phone also offers a four-row full QWERTY keyboard that smoothly slides out from the left side of the phone (when viewed in tall portrait mode).
The phone's full QWERTY keyboard puts it all at your fingertips, and the multi-touch screen lets you move back and forth between open applications using natural gestures.
The bottom line: the Samsung Gravity 3's full QWERTY keyboard and messaging features are enough to satisfy most heavy communicators, with other advanced features icing the cake.
Each phone includes the typical BlackBerry applications such as web browser, SMS, email, phone, MMS and full qwerty keyboard technologies to deliver a full and complete BlackBerry experience.
Each phone includes the typical BlackBerry applications such as web browser, SMS, email, phone, MMS and full qwerty keyboard technologies to deliver a full and complete BlackBerry experience.