They are selectively bred from a mix of pot-bellied, New Zealand kune kune, Gloucester Old Spot and Tamworth pigs until they attain tiny proportions – fully grown, they stand at just over a foot.
它们是有选择地从大肚猪(pot-bellied)、新西兰困困猪(kune kune)、格洛斯特古老斑点猪(Gloucester Old Spot)以及汤沃斯猪(Tamworth)杂交而成,以获得娇小的身材——发育成熟后,它们站立时身高比一英尺多一点点。
They are selectively bred from a mix of pot-bellied, New Zealand kune kune, Gloucester Old Spot and Tamworth pigs until they attain tiny proportions – fully grown, they stand at just over a foot.
它们是有选择地从大肚猪(pot-bellied)、新西兰困困猪(kune kune)、格洛斯特古老斑点猪(Gloucester Old Spot)以及汤沃斯猪(Tamworth)杂交而成,以获得娇小的身材——发育成熟后,它们站立时身高比一英尺多一点点。