And a set of complete inference rules about XML functional dependency is given.
The tool will find the deployment order, based on the functional dependency of each resource, for you.
The optimizer will deduce key value selection based on the functional dependency of the column within the row.
Functional dependency is an important semantic representation both in relational databases and XML documents.
Finally, the relation between functional dependency and keys for XML documents are also studied in this part.
The functional dependency theory has a great influence over the design and application of relational database.
There are two forms of functional dependency: absolute functional dependency and relative functional dependency.
The inferable theorem is discussed under the mixed circumstances under fuzzy functional dependency and fuzzy multivalued dependency.
According to a group of deduce rules about XML functional dependency, we expand the FD-Set to avoid losing semantics of original XML.
In this paper, we give the two approaches of the definition of XML functional dependency, in which one is based on tree tuples and the other is based on path.
The article discussed the applications of the closure algorithm to solve the problem of the functional dependency projection, and the relation decomposition based on BCNF.
The accurate and approximate measures of rough functional dependency are proposed in this paper in order to find potential and interesting patterns for rough relational database.
The article put forward the attribute dependency theory based on functional dependency theory, elaborated the definition of the attribute dependency theory, and proved related theorem.
The introduction of approximate theory of rough functional dependency will accelerate the development of knowledge discovery for rough relational database and extend its research field.
When XML document comes forth incomplete information, XML functional dependency has also important meaning for the research of key, normal form and integral restriction for XML document.
This paper presents three XML norm forms:1XNF, 2XNF, and 3XNF based on the concepts of functional dependency, partial functional dependency and transitive functional dependency for XML DTDs.
给出了XML函数依赖、部分函数依赖和传递函数依赖的概念,然后据此提出了三种XML范式:1XNF、2 XNF和3XNF。
This paper presents three XML norm forms:1XNF, 2XNF, and 3XNF based on the concepts of functional dependency, partial functional dependency and transitive functional dependency for XML DTDs.
给出了XML函数依赖、部分函数依赖和传递函数依赖的概念,然后据此提出了三种XML范式:1XNF、2 XNF和3XNF。