Rhodiola is a kind of plant resource using as both medicine and food. This article summarized the chemical ingredients, the function, and the functional food of Rhodiola.
In order to development a new resource to extract pectin and provide ingredients for functional food so that these could improve the utilization of Pingguoli and contribute to economic benefits.
Recent years, studies has shown that some foods or food ingredients (functional foods or ingredients) are potential to improve metabolic syndrome, especially obesity, diabetes and dyslipidemia.
A spokesman for the food Standards Agency said: "If you make a functional food using ingredients that are already on the market, then you wouldn't have to go through a safety assessment."
Kanto chemical supplies various functional materials such as liquid crystal, active pharmaceutical ingredients, food additives and organic metal compounds.
The healthy papaya soft sweets with low calorie was made from such main ingredients as papaya flesh extracts, functional sweeteners and food thickening agents by appropriate processing technology.
The applications of Novasep offering cover the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, food, functional ingredients and bio-industries markets.
The applications of Novasep offering cover the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, food, functional ingredients and bio-industries markets.