A customer-oriented: customer focus is the first Zhen's the fundamental starting point.
The recognition and mastering of the core competitive capacity is the basic method and fundamental starting point.
For this reason the Arch Linux base package is a great starting point if you want to make more fundamental decisions about your distro than you can with either Ubuntu Customisation Kit or SUSE Studio.
We will continue to take the fundamental interests of the people of China and the world as our starting point and make new contributions to the proper resolution of hotspot issues and global problems.
First, this concept is not only the starting point of Heideggers exposition but also the general point of view of his fundamental ontology.
The fundamental method to define the logic starting point is to analyze the objects of academic research and to define its core elements.
The talents'training objective in higher vocational education is the most basic and fundamental question, also is the work starting point and the home to return to.
One Home Yu-light weight off in the standard ideas, but achievements of Emperor Taizong industry "fundamental", but also its geo-strategic thinking of starting point.
Employment security should be fundamental ideas on governance changes, fairness and efficiency should be the basic starting point.
Employment security should be fundamental ideas on governance changes, fairness and efficiency should be the basic starting point.