In order to attract more viewers to the program and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should restore the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level.
Further into the future, he even envisages computers using the technique to modify their own circuitry in order to solve ever more complex problems.
Within RSA, you can also utilize more of the UML 2.0 specification's other models and diagrams in order to further extend your design efforts.
为了今后对你的设计进行扩展,你还可以更多地使用RSA中UML 2.0所规范的其他模型和图表。
In order to maintain and encourage us to develop more and better software, as well as to further enhance our software.
In order to further develop our overseas markets, we need more agents to deal in our products.
The main purpose of the briefing is the Daxigou Fushou interim results mountain tourism area for further improvement and supplement, in order to make the planning more scientific and operable.
Conclusions Although health education had made great achievements, the content and methods still needed further strengthening and improvement in order to be more effective in health education.
The objective peace order problem will become more complex, administration lagging behind will continue to remain, rules and regulations need further improving.
In order to keep growing, India and China must both push their development processes further along, offering more sophisticated goods and services.
In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more people decide to further their study abroad.
Further more, this paper develops a new order reduction method: slow-fast mode order reduction (SFMOR) method.
Therefore, further study in order to achieve a breakthrough AIDS virus, we need a more micro-level discovery, look forward to the new observation method of birth.
You can choose using black or yellow soundproof cotton as material. More Further, in order to improve soundproof efficiency, indoor surface is boarded with tiny holes.
Further more, in order to improve real time obstacle detection, a recursive template matching method is established to track the leading vehicle's location in the image.
In order to reflect the real value of enterprises 'assets and supply more related information to users, further improving of assets impairment accounting is developing tendency.
Further more, based on the estimator a high order differential feedback controller is designed, which does not rely on the model of the nonlinear system, and has well stability and robustness.
Besides, in order to define the properties more precisely, a further division is made based on the type (data or class) of the assigned value of class properties.
In order to a more practical result, further clinical epidemiology researches with bigger sample and multicentre is needed.
Further more, gender difference was also examined in order to investigate if there is a difference between male and female students in career decision-making style and self-efficacy.
However, because of the problems remained in the researches, more and further investigation on LSCs is needed in order to put LSCs from laboratory study to clinical therapy.
You can choose using black or yellow soundproof cotton as material. More Further, in order to improve soundproof efficiency, indoor surface is boarded with tiny holes.
The more effective method of isolating the osteoblastic cells from calvariae of embryonic chicken was built in order to supply the further way to study the osteoporosis of cage laying hens.
As lean muscle is increased, the body burns more calories in order to function, thereby speeding up the fat burning process, which further slims your body.
In order to further assist the CD-HIT users, we significantly improved this program with more functions and better accuracy, scalability and flexibility.
为了进一步帮助CD - HIT用户,我们用更多的功能和更高的准确性,可扩展性,和灵活性,较大地改进了这个程序。
In order to further assist the CD-HIT users, we significantly improved this program with more functions and better accuracy, scalability and flexibility.
为了进一步帮助CD - HIT用户,我们用更多的功能和更高的准确性,可扩展性,和灵活性,较大地改进了这个程序。