Fungi's DNA was extracted by using improved CTAB method, the ITS regions of Fusarium solani, Fusarium spp.
利用改良的CTAB法提取了茄枯萎病菌ITS 区的真菌DNA。
There was no report about strawberry red stele root rot, which was caused of Fusarium solani in China.
Sanogo S, Yang, X. , Scherm, H. 2000. Effects of herbicides on Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines and development of sudden death syndrome in glyphosate-tolerant soybean.
除草剂对腐皮镰刀菌f。 sp。氨基乙酸与抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆突然死亡的影响。
Sanogo S, Yang, X. , Scherm, H. 2000. Effects of herbicides on Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines and development of sudden death syndrome in glyphosate-tolerant soybean.
除草剂对腐皮镰刀菌f。 sp。氨基乙酸与抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆突然死亡的影响。