You must fuse at white heat the several particles of your learning into an element so ductile and so strong that nothing can destroy it without destroying you.
Temperature-dependent fuse is one of the important parts in (smoke) fire dampers, and the fusible alloy is the key element of the fuse.
The structure (1) comprises a fuse element (2), a protection plate (10), a first dielectric layer (14), and a second dielectric layer (4).
It elucidates the construction of fuse element and its materials, the location of alloy of eutectic alloying effect (M-effect), kind of sand filled and choice of cartridge material.
The fuse element (2) is formed over the second dielectric layer (4).
The fuse element (2) is adapted to be cut with a laser beam (52).
In desperation, I sent some samples to our on-site materials lab and asked the folks there to measure the cross-section diameter of the fuse element and identify the alloy used.
Based on the finite element analysis for 3-d electrostatic field in the fuse-contactor, the mathematical model of inverse problem is set up.
The fusing current of the fuse-wire is less than the specified value of the battery, cable and connecting element in satellite.
The fusing current of the fuse-wire is less than the specified value of the battery, cable and connecting element in satellite.