It can be defined as an accomplished "relation" interest-a social capital to gain future economic benefits.
The essence of fair value measurement is the true and reliable utility of value, with emphasis on measuring to the future economic benefits of assets.
War and economic crisis have always augmented the powers of the White House, and for the foreseeable future Mr Obama will continue to enjoy the dubious "benefits" of both.
Hot delivery and hot charging at NISCO are introduced and economic benefits and growth potential in the future are analyzed in the paper.
After the carried out of the project, whether the investment will produce economic benefits or what the future economic situation is an issue of particular concern.
Based on the economic and social benefits achieved in recent years' raising speed of railway passenger trains, the overall thoughts for the raising speed in future are summarized.
Steel wire mesh-polystyrene sandwich plate is a light-type construction mate-rial for wall body, having a developing future. Its economic and social benefits are also considerable.
This paper introduces in detail the design scheme of the streetlights wireless monitoring system of Taiyuan City, and makes analysis on and prospect for its economic benefits and future application.
The future of the marketing and the economic benefits will become brighter if the deep processing skill of aquatic products are introduced.
Economic benefit Analysis: Due to huge market potential, the project has a promising future with considerable benefits.
As an essential part of the human motion analysis system, the research in people detecting and tracking can provide broad potential use in the future and economic benefits to the society.
As an essential part of the human motion analysis system, the research in people detecting and tracking can provide broad potential use in the future and economic benefits to the society.