For the characters of future exchange and once-for-ever exchange, construction market has special exchange procedure.
The FRA is an agreement that two parties agree today to a future exchange of cash flows based on two different interest rates.
The usual models predict the future exchange rate only based on the information provided by the history values such as time series modeling.
In future, investors should be able to subscribe to information services that let them see the whole market in certain shares, not only what is on offer at the local stock exchange.
They do so by taking their higher discount rate from the money market, where people exchange future money for present money, and vice versa.
The session keys generated during this authentication exchange can be used for all the future correspondences among client/server and KDC.
In the near future, I expect that many enterprises will exchange XML documents using SOAP over HTTP on the Internet.
In future, the NYSE may even try to grab the London exchange for itself.
They furnish ready cash to households and firms in exchange for pledges of future income, such as mortgages and loans.
When a software client wanted to shelve a product it was developing, Nayar had HCL take over the project in exchange for a share of its future revenues.
Buying shares may not seem very sophisticated, for instance, but when you buy a share you are lending money in exchange for a claim on the future profitability of a firm in, say, China.
Warner Music's filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) says that in the immediate future the cash would be used for general purposes and to reduce the firm's debts.
SOAP also provided the hooks for easy extensibility, so that higher-level infrastructure functions could be added to enhance XML message exchange in the future.
Giving up the ability to adjust exchange rates, they warned, would invite future crises.
It marked the start of an unprecedented build-up of foreign exchange to insure against future balance-of-payments problems.
To protect themselves in future, they started to run current-account surpluses and to amass foreign-exchange reserves.
Do not think about the Shanghai stock exchange as an anomaly. Think about it as the future.
As an expression of confidence in the future, members will vote on a plan to float the exchange itself later this year.
A third factor is that Asian central Banks are big buyers of Treasury bonds as part of their exchange-rate management policies, and are relatively indifferent to future returns.
Today it's a different story: Many executives, he says, are willing to take jobs with similar titles and pay in exchange for little more than a shorter commute or a more stable future.
And future remittances flows may be affected by additional factors such as tighter immigration controls and unpredictable exchange rate movements.
Since both BPMN and BPDM are at OMG, it might become a replacement for XPDL as an exchange file format in the future.
In exchange, future profits from those assets will flow abroad instead of staying home.
Such assurances calmed the foreign-exchange market, as did a statement from a future member of the Fed’s monetary committee that the bank still had some way to go before easing off on interest rates.
他的声明安抚了外汇市场,使外汇市场稳定下来。 而根据美联储的准成员的声明,松弛利率还需要一段时间。
For example, exchange traded funds (' ETFs') alone account for half of the activities in oil future market.
For example, exchange traded funds (' ETFs') alone account for half of the activities in oil future market.