Teng 2 Member in Erlian Basin has a high oil production, producing reserves and economic benefit, so it becomes an important area for future reserves and production.
Therefore in this regard, the Community reserves its right to issue further declarations in the future.
Brazil has large reserves of rare earths, allowing it to become a key exporter in the future as well as a supplier to its nascent technology industry, Mr Mercadante said.
Earlier this year the IMF board voted to cut staff and sell off about an eighth of its gold reserves (some 400 tonnes) to meet expected future funding shortfalls.
To protect themselves in future, they started to run current-account surpluses and to amass foreign-exchange reserves.
But countries will not be persuaded to stop accumulating reserves unless such credit lines can be relied upon in future.
Now Exxon has taken advantage of lower oil and gas prices to replenish its reserves-and raised a different set of questions about its future.
Declining late payments may allow lenders to buttress profit by reducing reserves for future loan losses.
The ratio problem gets worse every time these banks issue quarterly reports fessing up to big credit losses and announcing that they're going to put more away in reserves against future losses.
With global demand unlikely to wane in the foreseeable future and reserves elsewhere diminishing, oil will continue to keep the kingdom rich for decades to come.
Now Asia's premier rhino sanctuary and a reservoir for seeding other reserves, Kaziranga is the key to R. unicornis's future.
The neighbours have agreed loosely to negotiate on the future joint management of reserves.
The answer is simple: Space of an observer expands with increasing speed at the expense of remaining time reserves for the future.
Similarly, the oil-producing countries are converting oil reserves into financial wealth that will provide income for future generations.
Mr Zhou's plan could win support from other emerging economies with large reserves. However, it is unlikely to get off the ground in the near future.
Establish the civilization in the underground carbon, apparently reserves, facing the world energy future problems.
Growth, change and distribution pattern of reserves comprehensively reflect the exploration history and future exploration potential of a basin.
These are: The increasing consumption of energy compared to the limited reserves of fossil fuels available to meet future demand.
It can not only be used to determine original gas in-place and recoverable reserves of gas reservoir, but also judge the drive type and predict future development performance.
Health reserves is a kind of fund that was established for the existing or future health policies liabilities.
Mid deep tight gas reservoir is the important part of non-conventional gas reserves, also is importance of future energy resource exploitation.
The neighbours have agreed loosely to negotiate on the future joint management of reserves. But how much oil lies on which side of the border could have an impact on how any profits are divided.
What's more, worldwide food reserves are at their lowest in 35 years, so prices are likely to stay high for the foreseeable future.
East Asian countries are now moving to beef up the Chiang Mai accords to create pooled reserves that would further strengthen their ability to deal with future financial shocks.
He assured the parliament that in future only Banks with sufficient foreign cash reserves could be part of the banking syndicate that finances fuel imports.
The short-sighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for out door recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future.
The short-sighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for out door recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future.