This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.
Watch them as they stand in line at the little squirrel coffee shop, discussing the acorn futures market.
It is the only one with a lively futures market.
Wheat prices on the Chicago futures market have risen by about 50 percent during the past year, partly because droughts in Australia and Russia have cut back global supply.
Us markets rallied on Friday after a week of losses, but yesterday futures market traders predicted the Australian market would open lower today rather than follow the lead from overseas.
Brazil now imposes a tax of 6% on foreign purchases of its bonds, as well as a smaller tax on bets against the dollar on the futures market.
Butter and cheese producers have been buying up available stocks of milk, sending the futures market to an all-time high this month.
Even when the price was near its lows last year, the futures market was anticipating a rebound this year.
A futures market has a prediction going out years into the future of what every financial variable will be doing, so you can see the future in a sense through the futures prices.
Officials are still haunted by the collapse of China's government bond futures market in 1995 – just two years after such trading was introduced.
We have a stock index futures market and notably we have an oil futures market.
The returns would be attributable solely to my ability to market time the bond futures market.
The NYSE got the London-based LIFFE futures market through its merger with Euronext.
The futures market is pricing in another interest rate increase in March to 11.75%, and is betting on a further increase to 13% by the end of this year.
The Dow Jones industrial average opened about 300 points lower, almost 100 points better than the futures market had been predicting a couple of hours earlier.
Do you have a special knowledge of a futures market that gives you an added advantage?
CONTEMPORARY art is a futures market in which "derivative" is a bad word.
The potential for less leverage — or borrowed money — at play in the oil-futures market has already helped spark a sharp fall in oil prices, which have lost about 20% of their value this month.
According to the CME Group's (CME) Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the world's dominant futures market and the designated "self-regulatory organization" of MF Global, those rules were violated.
CME集团旗下的芝加哥商品交易所(Chicago MercantileExchange)是全球最大的期货市场和明富环球金融集团的自我监管机构,该交易所表示这种做法违反了规定。
It concluded the crisis was not primarily driven by declines in crop yields or stocks, nor rising demand for meat and feed grains or even futures market speculation.
The futures market is forecasting that inflation will soon go above 6.5%, the upper limit of the Central Bank’s target.
Traders can trade away the underlying interest rate risks by hedging in the interest rate futures market.
债券交易商可以在利率期货市场上(interestrate futures market)通过对冲(hedging)规避利率风险。
The futures market believes that American rates will still be below 1% in July 2012.
The futures market expects that by June 2012 short-term rates in the euro area will be around 2.5%, compared with just over 1% in America.
A large bet in the stock-futures market may have contributed to the plunge.
On this point, with the stock futures market is completely different.
Yes, I heard there is a method of protecting against the risk on the futures market.
Yes, I heard there is a method of protecting against the risk on the futures market.