Would like to return to the days when Americans believed: 'By golly, you don't futz around with Uncle Sam' (Wall Street Journal).
If you need to track the time for other reasons, use whatever you used before you knew about Scrum, but don't futz with the Scrum framework to do it.
Listeners get the impression that her care and her gentle pacing aren’t about being your audio bubble bath; they’re about making good on a promise to be as clear as possible and not futz around.
在听者的印象中,沙黛的关切和她温柔的行进并不在于成为听觉上的一次“泡泡浴”;它们在于履行一个承诺 ——力求清晰、避免无病呻吟。
Listeners get the impression that her care and her gentle pacing aren’t about being your audio bubble bath; they’re about making good on a promise to be as clear as possible and not futz around.
在听者的印象中,沙黛的关切和她温柔的行进并不在于成为听觉上的一次“泡泡浴”;它们在于履行一个承诺 ——力求清晰、避免无病呻吟。