The hybrid index hierarchy fuzzy decision-making method is proposed on the basis of the idea of hierarchy analysis, the fuzzy pattern recognition technique and the fuzzy consistent matrix.
A defuzzifying decision-making method for multiobjective system with fuzzy information is presented in this paper.
Multiobjective fuzzy decision-making method was used to establish the optimizing model, which was then used to select a suitable shovel size for.
A compromise fuzzy multiple-attribute decision-making method for the evaluation of the program of works was introduced.
The fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making method to condition-based maintenance of transformer is proposed.
By fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, a decision-making system is set up for choosing strategic partners.
A new method, in which fuzzy linguistic variables are quantized by the trapezoidal fuzzy number containing the degrees of confidence, and the consensus criterion in group decision-making are proposed.
A new assembly method and decision method are given for triangular fuzzy Numbers multiple attribute group decision-making.
To get over the shortcomings of determining the optimal preferred scheme directly through Euclid distance, a fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making method based on fuzzy nearness degree is proposed.
Then, it presented the new fuzzy decision making and clustering models. The paper also pointed out the defects in fuzzy ISODATA method.
Fuzzy compromise method was adopted to implement fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making and the aim of prioritizing the schemes in the early design stage was realized.
A new method for handling multicriteria fuzzy decision-making problems based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets is presented.
The model and method of simulating decision-making using knowledge-based expert system for load forecast are presented. The improved fuzzy AHP is used.
By now might use the fuzzy synthesis decision-making method to carry on hires according to qualification.
Based on the conception of opposed fuzzy set, the variable fuzzy decision-making model and corresponding method are proposed.
A new spatial load forecasting method is proposed, in which the fuzzy multi-objective multi-person decision making is led into land-use decision making for spatial load forecasting.
Based on the existing decision-making method, a new sort of eclectic fuzzy decision-making model is established, and the way of determining parameter is given.
In this paper, the method of fuzzy multistep decision-making has been applied to earthquake prediction countermeasures.
This paper deals with a fuzzy extension of a widely used multiple criteria decision making model, simple additive weighting method.
For multiple attribute group decision making with linguistic assessment information, a new method based on the set pair analysis and intuitionistic fuzzy set is proposed in this paper.
Application of fuzzy theory, a new method of venture investment evaluation, is also given based on fuzzy multiple attribute group decision-making.
This article introduces the theory, method and steps of the comprehensive decision making by fuzzy mathematics and its application in machinery selection and design.
Focused on the characteristics of air-target, a method of air-attack targets threat evaluation is presented according to the theory and method of fuzzy multi-objective decision making (MODM).
The model first generates judge-array based on fuzzy optimal theory; and latter determines the optimal plan with the entropy weight decision-making method.
This paper does a preliminary approaches on decision making levels, evaluating feature indexes, fuzzy set method of summarizing the expert knowledge in the process of evaluating alternatives.
To evaluate the circular economy in country, the hybrid index hierarchy fuzzy decision-making method is proposed according to the idea of hierarchy analysis and the fuzzy consistent matrix.
Aiming at the problem of collocating missile weapon system to attack multi-objective, a new collocating method based on fuzzy multi-objective decision making theory is studied.
The research result indicates that, fuzzy decision-making optimum selection is more separated and the method I...
Aimed to problem of supplier evaluation, a decision making method based on fuzzy integral is establish.
On which basis, the intuitionistic fuzzy decision-making matrix is built up, and the ranking method of feasible scheme is given.