The fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making method to condition-based maintenance of transformer is proposed.
To get over the shortcomings of determining the optimal preferred scheme directly through Euclid distance, a fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making method based on fuzzy nearness degree is proposed.
A new assembly method and decision method are given for triangular fuzzy Numbers multiple attribute group decision-making.
A compromise fuzzy multiple-attribute decision-making method for the evaluation of the program of works was introduced.
Application of fuzzy theory, a new method of venture investment evaluation, is also given based on fuzzy multiple attribute group decision-making.
For multiple attribute group decision making with linguistic assessment information, a new method based on the set pair analysis and intuitionistic fuzzy set is proposed in this paper.
On the basis of the new distance formula for triangular fuzzy numbers given by the paper, a priority method for triangular fuzzy numbers multiple attribute decision making is given.
On the basis of the new distance formula for triangular fuzzy numbers given by the paper, a priority method for triangular fuzzy numbers multiple attribute decision making is given.