Application MCU and digital signal processing technology to gain a preset and control, AGC has good stability, controllable range.
Gain control can increase the dynamic range of the receiver, and to prevent strong signals cause overload.
The introduction of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) method can adjust the total magnification at the range of 10 000 when the output signal amplitude is relatively stable.
设计中引入自动增益控制(agc)方法,在满足输出信号幅度相对稳定的情况下,调整总放大倍数在10 000倍范围内变化。
For overcoming the shortcoming of narrow output dynamic range of the electronic-amplifying seismograph, the Authors have designed a kind of circuit for automatic gain control.
Introduces the saturation function into controller, reduces the wide-range switch of control gain, ensures the stability of stator voltage.
A gain scheduling control with operating range optimization is presented in this paper.
The performance of control could be improved by lowering the steering control gain and configuring an optimized range of dead band.
The performance of control could be improved by lowering the steering control gain and configuring an optimized range of dead band.