First, claim a block of time to gain control.
The upside to starting off full-time is potential rewards, including the opportunity to make more money than you can at your current job, and to gain control of your future.
Two main issues were investigated: a) the identification time for road input condition; b) the selection of reference signal on which the control gain are tuned.
For if once you gain time and delay, you will find it easier to control yourself.
Over a period of time, you will gain more control of your emotions as you learn to breathe through difficult situations.
As weeds gain resistance to glyphosate over time, more of the herbicide is required to control them.
The systems have both state time delay and control time delay. And there are uncertainties in the state matrices and the control gain matrices.
But the major disadvantages of the medical treatment are the time required to gain control of the disease and the disease is rather prone to recur after treatment.
The time is right for a new outlook - and new tools - to help you gain control of your weight.
The experimental results show that the established model is effective. The system model to control system of dosing glue can gain less response time and better controlling effect.
For uncertain discrete-time linear systems under continual gain actuator fault, optimal guaranteed cost reliable control with continual gain actuator fault is presented.
The problem of guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain time-delayed systems was addressed. The uncertainties existed both in the systematic matrix, and in the controller gain.
For the OFDM system, a scheme of combining space-time code with the adaptive power control technology is proposed with simulation results, which increases the diversity gain and the adaptive gain.
This paper analyzes the time-scaled network plan applied to confirm critical path, gain time factors, control network plan and so on.
The dynamic process of TCSC is considered in the system model and the nonlinear characteristic is reserved. An adaptive gain control law is applied to real-time para-meter estimation.
With the technique of AGC (Auto Gain Control), the system solves the question about overflow when several persons are speaking at the same time.
With the technique of AGC (Auto Gain Control), the system solves the question about overflow when several persons are speaking at the same time.