The bags of cocaine bore the initials of the Third Command criminal organization, notorious for bloody gangland turf wars in Rio's slums, and were priced at .20 for each dose.
包装袋上有犯罪组织“第三舰队”的名字缩写,定价为每剂1.20美元。 “第三舰队”以在里约贫民区进行血腥帮派斗争闻名。
The bags of cocaine bore the initials of the Third Command criminal organization, notorious for bloody gangland turf wars in Rio's slums, and were priced at .20 for each dose.
包装袋上有犯罪组织“第三舰队”的名字缩写,定价为每剂1.20美元。 “第三舰队”以在里约贫民区进行血腥帮派斗争闻名。