Some people believe that there may not exist a stress gap between men and women.
Male economists overwhelmingly think the wage gap between men and women is largely the result of individuals'skills, experience and voluntary choices.
Has the Gap between men and Women Really Narrowed?
The wage gap between men and women has closed dramatically in Latin America.
The most egregious gap between men and women is still in the world of work.
In a 2011 report from the Institute for women's Policy Research, the gender wage gap between men and women was 23 percent.
The pay equity gap between men and women in Australia will not close until women are prepared to work longer hours, an academic says.
Although there is still a big wage gap between men and women, the income working women generate gives them new independence and buying power.
There just aren't enough cases of the most feared genetic diseases to account for more than a bit of the longevity gap between men and women.
Learning the other's ways of talking is a leap across the communication gap between men and women, and a giant step towards genuine understanding.
In the Nordic countries the gap between men and women has almost gone and in most of the big rich countries it is only ten or 15 percentage points.
Measured by how many full-time jobs those hours would add up to, the average employment gap between men and women in the OECD widens to around a third.
In such a way, it will be possibly to eventually define the basic components that constitute the gap between men and women employees in the modern economy.
However, because of the physical gap between men and women bear with them, the weak position of women in employment and occupation has been becoming increasingly clear.
The pay gap between men and women, for instance, has significantly narrowed in most countries in the past 30-40 years, even though progress has recently become more sporadic.
Overall, averaging all the ratings, the gap between prediction and reality was three times greater for women than for men.
It is not good that the wage gap between women and men has narrowed by less than half a penny per year since 1963.
Meanwhile, there was a gap of 39% in annual basic pay between women and men - rising to 47% for total earnings taking into account performance-related pay, bonuses and overtime.
In America, women marry at about 26, men at 28. If you take account of the cohabitation that routinely precedes Western marriage (but not Asian), the gap between East and West is even larger.
The index focuses on the relative extent of the gender gap regardless of a country's wealth – by assessing how well countries divide their opportunities and resources between men and women.
In contrast, the famous "gender gap," the difference in the vote between men and women, is just 11 points.
There was also a 39 percent gap between women and men in annual basic pay, rising to 47 percent when bonuses and other additional payments were added.
Perhaps what is most surprising is that there isn't much of a gap between how well men and women remember details of appearance.
The index focuses on the relative extent of the gender gap regardless of a countrys wealth - by assessing how well countries divide their opportunities and resources between men and women.
The index focuses on the relative extent of the gender gap regardless of a countrys wealth - by assessing how well countries divide their opportunities and resources between men and women.