Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collectors into waste disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit.
繁琐,就是指冗长委婉的说法。 例如,把贫民窟,说成经济落后地区;把收垃圾的,说成废物处理人员; 把垃圾倾倒处,说成废物分解中心。
Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collectors into waste disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit.
繁琐,就是指冗长委婉的说法。 例如,把贫民窟,说成经济落后地区;把收垃圾的,说成废物处理人员; 把垃圾倾倒处,说成废物分解中心。