Gigo: short for garbage in garbage out. Programmer's slang to describe bad output caused by faulty data.
Garbage In Garbage Out or GIGO is popular computing slang for "if you input the wrong data, the results will also be wrong."
简写为GIGO,是计算机术语常用的俚语,意思是如果你输入错误的数据,那么(计算机)输出的结果也是错误的。 引…
I like to say that your brain works much like a computer, garbage-in, garbage-out.
Normally accounting and project management tools will help, but remember the garbage in = garbage out rule!
From the United States come the following two pieces of new wisdom, garbage in - garbage out, from the computer world, reminds people that computers are only as good as their programs.
That's why we've got to be careful what we allow to come into our mind. "garbage in, garbage out."
I was a reporter for 12 years. One of the first things I learned in researching a story was "garbage in, garbage out."
As the knife body does the rotation movement, it can break out the garbage in bags so as to achieve the purpose of separating the garbage and plastic bags.
As the knife body does the rotation movement, it can break out the garbage in bags so as to achieve the purpose of separating the garbage and plastic bags.