The spherical tank (gas holder, container) will be shipped in the condition of edge prepared and bent plates.
The corrosion characteristics of gas holder were analyzed based upon a number of leakage emergencies in recent years and effective protection measures have been taken.
The causes of corrosion of gas holder were analyzed and the protection measures were discussed in respect of design, construction and management.
The influence of float-age on work pressure of the gas holder was demonstrated on the basis of practical measure and theoretic analysis.
The determination of pressure of fuel gas pipe network, the amount of recycle across the holder, the volume of holder and the allocation of the holder in flow diagram were described.
The function and operation methods of fuel gas holder were introduced.
The causes of corrosion of wet gas holder were analyzed and protection measures were suggested.
The analysis of the corrosion in refinery low-pressure fluid seal gas holder reveals that the corrosion is mainly caused by the sour gas containing H_2S and CO_2, etc.
The main points of safe and reliable operation of the gas holder were discussed from the two angles of design and regular maintenance.
Main failures of roller shutter dry seal gas holder and its accessory systems in recovering gas are summarized, the countermeasures taken are introduced, and some Suggestions are put forward.
Since the energy which strikes the tool holder includes the explosive gas pressure and the kinetic energy of the moving plunger, thus a high initial acceleration of the tool holder is obtained.
Design condition of winder of spherical gas-holder and relationship of design parameters are discussed, and steps of determination of design parameters are put forward.
The way to transform boiler into burning BF gas one is put forward in this paper, which solves how to keep the boilers in normal operation by supplying BF gas directly to boilers without gas holder.
The utility model relates to a circulation drier, which comprises a nitrogen gas-holder, a sprinkling recovery tower, a refrigerator and a recirculation fan.
The gas-droplet two-phase reacting flow in a model combustor with the V-gutter flame holder is studied by an Eulerian-Lagrangian large-eddy simulation (LES) approach.
We design the flat jet mill by gas stream and the major appurtenance of disintegrator set such as air holder, distribution tank and cyclone separator, and select the compressor and bag filter.
The products range from diaphragm vacuume pump, vacuume manifolds filtration system, filter holder, pressured gas blowing concentrator, column oven, HPLC accessories and so on.
The remainder is either despatched off site for sale or stored in the plants gas holder.
Holder of a degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona, she always attracts attention when she fills her car with gas.
Holder of a degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona, she always attracts attention when she fills her car with gas.