The average pore size calculated by the above - mentioned way differs from that calculated by conventional gas bubble method, and the result has been dis-cussed.
Chemical bubbling method is adding bubbling agent into raw material, making the agent reacting with the materials to produce gas and therefore forming small bubble in the brick.
The pressure drop calculation method obtained from above results can be used to accurately determine the pressure loss of two-phase gas bubble flow.
A short-term prediction method developed on the basis of the deterministic chaos theory is used to predict the time series of pressure fluctuations in a gas-liquid bubble column with a single orifice.
In the dissertation, VOF numerical method was used to study the gas bubble and gas slug break-up process in vertical entrance microchannel.
Based on the technology of rotating impeller DE gassing in aluminum alloy melt, the effect of pulse gas current on the gas bubble size by studied with the water modeling method.
Based on the technology of rotating impeller DE gassing in aluminum alloy melt, the effect of pulse gas current on the gas bubble size by studied with the water modeling method.