Experimental works for verifying the basic calculation equation of gas injector have been conducted on the lab-testing rig.
This invention provides gas injector apparatus that extends into a growth chamber in order to provide more accurate delivery of thermalized precursor gases.
The results presented in this paper may provide valuable reference for the optimization design of the gas-gas injector for full flow staged combustion cycle engine.
With the increasing of pressure of gas generator under less injector number and expansion ratio, combustion efficiency increase.
Experimental investigation results from an injector group of double fuel for a heavy-duty gas turbine were presented.
In this paper, the fuel gas and propellent system of "in site" Pellet injector used in beforehand experiment and Pellet fueling experiment in HL-1 Tokamak has been introduced.
Alliance Gas Systems offers the Hydrojection WIT system with the HMP-3 multi-fluid electronic injector.
Oxygen is purged from the chamber using nitrogen gas, which is introduced in a controlled manner via a 'nitrogen knife' at the web inlet and via an injector in the curing chamber.
The hyphenation system was carefully designed and the operation (conditions) such as injector temperature, carrier gas flow rate, make-up gas flow rate and argon flow rate were optimized in detail.
The study results should provide theoretic guidance in on going gas-liquid coaxial swirling injector design.
The numerical simulation of the injector of atmospheric gas burner is carried out using software FLUENT, and the relationship between nozzle position and primary air coefficient is obtained.
Gas aid injection moulding procedure is summarized and its applying area is introduced, as well as, injector structural design of gas injection moulding mold is mainly stated.
It is used for installing gas pressure & temperature sensor. It is installed between reducer outlet and injector inlet position.
The bipropellant gas-liquid coaxial orifice-swirl injector has great effects on the high-frequency combustion instability of the LOX/kerosene staged combustion cycled engine.
The impact of repetition on Gas Chromatogram was studied with glass wool in glass injector insert and different concentration samples.
本文研究气相色谱进样系统中,玻璃衬管中有、无 玻璃棉填充以及样品浓度的高低对仪器的重现性的影响。
The impact of repetition on Gas Chromatogram was studied with glass wool in glass injector insert and different concentration samples.
本文研究气相色谱进样系统中,玻璃衬管中有、无 玻璃棉填充以及样品浓度的高低对仪器的重现性的影响。