Considering the high contents of olefins and nitrogen, the whole fraction of delayed coker distillates (including light and heavy naphtha, gas oil) must be hydrotreated.
Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas, oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.
The results can be used to simulate or predict the product distribution and operation character for cracking furnace of light gas oil in an ethylene plant.
Light hydrocarbon mainly comes from the lease condensate of oil field, gas field, nature gas plant, oil refinery.
The inhibitor for coke formaation in the Pyrolysis of light gas oil is studied using a set of continuous tube reactors.
Somewhat differently, gas generators have been used to produce fuel gas from light oil.
The technology is used for conversion from hydrofining coke-oven gas into the oil, conversion from coal tar into the oil and light benzole hydrorefining.
The results show that thiophene can inhibit effectively the coking of light gas oil in promoting pyrolysis of light gas oil and increase the olefine yields.
When rectifier transformer is matched with gas relay, "light gas" signal and "critical oil temperature" signal are connected in parallel;
The heavy oil is distributed at the handing wall, light oil and gas reservoir at the footwall.
The oil and gas reservoir types are very various in Hongthe faults of northwestern part of Zhungaer basin, including heavy oil, light oil and dry gas.
Recovery techniques of volatile gas in oil tank and the rectification of light oil are also briefed in this paper.
In the light of the prospect of China' s oil & gas mineral resources exploration, however, the oil resources still have great potential and the gas proved reserves will increase by a large margin.
Finally, we can predict the reservoir and evaluate the oil-gas trap in the light of the sandstone distribution and geological structure.
The hydrogen production technology was utilized to revamp a light oil hydrogen production unit for processing coking dry gas.
Sometimes, the light hydrocarbons in head space index of lithological oil-gas pool have gloss. The gloss affects exact distinguish of oil-gas pool characteristics.
So it needs to the injection of oil, the oil and gas separator rarely need and filtering load is also very light, the output of the compressed air natural very low oil content.
The light hydrocarbon fingerprint analyses include the analysis of natural gas, crude oil and source rocks.
Therefore, the oil needs to be injected is very little, the needed load of oil and gas separator, filter core is also very light, the output of oil content of compressed air is also natural low.
The treating process included naphtha absorption, light gas oil absorption and once through hydrogenation, etc.
Said catalyst can be used for hydrodesulphurization of light oil fraction or gas containing organic sulphide, in particular, it is applicable to hydrodesulphurization of naphtha and coking dry gas.
An additive to increase delayed coker yield has been prepared based on the mechanism of enhancing light oil yield and reducing the yields of coke and dry gas.
Vertically, Oil and gas mainly distribute in the upper part of the formation, being light on the top and heavy on the bottom.
It shows that the smaller carbonate equilibrium ratio and the higher the organic acid content is, the more closely the relation between oil_field water and light oil or gas reservoir will be.
High pour-point oil has different gas logging characteristics from light oil and heavy oil.
More light oil was obtained through regulating the reaction conditions, such as increasing pressure and gas flow.
More light oil was obtained through regulating the reaction conditions, such as increasing pressure and gas flow.