The champagne was sweet and too gassy.
The local gassy hill might start a huge fire.
There were oil deposits below a local gassy hill.
The champagne was sweet and too gassy .
This beer's a bit too gassy for my taste.
Can you make out the significance of the gassy speech which he harangued?
Breastfeeding a gassy baby can be a Herculean task, but it is well worth it.
Larger worlds are gassy, with their solid surfaces buried beneath deep blankets of hydrogen and helium.
By 2050, proposes a "road map" released by the European Commission this week, all that gassy baggage must go.
Now researchers have come a step closer by finding Earth's gassy twin in another solar system 200 light years away.
When he remembered, and forced it down the incinerator chute, it was already bloating, and the gassy innards instantly caught fire.
Astronomers are interested in Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, because it is a terrestrial like Earth, not gassy like Jupiter.
This paper is actually a technical report on mine gas control in Yangquan Coal Group, one of highly gassy coal mines in this country.
Under gassy coal seam condition, the full-heading development is employed. Because of the fast heading a high rate of gas emission arises.
To utilize mine gas as fuel for electricity generation is one of the mine gas exploitation projects with great future in gassy coal mines.
In babies under 3 months old, crying is almost always a sign of physical need-she may be hungry or gassy or wet or hot or just plain uncomfortable.
Gas drainage in high gassy coal seam with low gas permeability is always an hard solved significant technology problem in the process of safety production.
In fact, a team's style of play often seems to relate to a nation's character. The Italians are creative. The Germans militaristic. The Greeks a little gassy.
This is happening in China but California loses their global warming noodles and wants to kill their dairy industry due to gassy cows (I don't mean the Kardashians).
Daniudi gas Field lies in the north of Yishan Slope in Ordos Basin. Its mainly gassy formations are Carboniferous Taiyuan formation, Permian Shanxi formation and Lower Shihezi formation.
Telescopic surveys usually reveal just basic information about an extrasolar planet's minimum mass, its distance from its parent star, and whether it is likely to be gassy or rocky, like Earth.
Equally gassy and difficult to drink was the "beer cocktail with creme DE peche and cranberry juice", and the Kasteel Cru Rose was a disappointing alternative to any middle-of-the-road Rose wine.
Equally gassy and difficult to drink was the "beer cocktail with creme DE peche and cranberry juice", and the Kasteel Cru Rose was a disappointing alternative to any middle-of-the-road Rose wine.