Proglumide is a gastrin receptor antagonist synthesized in the middle of 1960s which can be used in the treatment of peptic ulcer.
To observe the regulatory effect of astragalosides (ast) on the binding capacity of gastrin receptor in gastric parietal cells (GPC) of rats with spleen deficiency.
To explore the effect of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction (BYD) on gastrin receptor combination and its protective mechanism for gastric mucosa damage in spleen - deficiency rats.
Objective to investigate the characteristics of binding of the glycine-extended gastrin receptor on human colorectal cancer cell line DLD-1 and the differences between CCK-A and CCK-B.
目的考察人结直肠肿瘤细胞株dld - 1上甘氨酸延伸型胃泌素受体的结合特性;与CCK - A和CCK - B比较,找出不同之处。
Conclusion Gastrin can aggravate the motion and metastasis of BGC 823 cells, which can be inhibited by its receptor antagonist.
Antisecretory agents, receptor antagonist, antisense polynucleotide and anti-gastrin antibody have been evaluated as anti-gastrin therapy of gastrointestinal tumour.
Antisecretory agents, receptor antagonist, antisense polynucleotide and anti-gastrin antibody have been evaluated as anti-gastrin therapy of gastrointestinal tumour.