After graduation, we have group of close friends have been no time to gather head.
Her final employment was to gather sea-weed, of various kinds, and make herself a scarf, or mantle, and a head-dress, and thus assume the aspect of a little mermaid.
Head to the library to gather books about a specific place and use the Internet to learn more about your “destination.”
Mr Vega says he received glancing bullet wounds to his head and back. That was enough to persuade him and his wife to gather up their seven children and flee.
Wilson Vega表示,自己的头部和背部曾遭子弹擦伤,那足以说服自己和妻子召集七个孩子弃家逃亡。
We desire as a church to gather around our graduates and send them off in the Lord as they head to university, careers, or further training.
The scornful nostril and the high head gather not the ordors that lie on the track of truth.
I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter.
Gather your favorite foods, drinks and desserts, a comfortable blanket and some utensils, plates, cups and napkins and head out for the park on a beautiful day.
As the saying goes that it is not an enemy that does not gather the head, the cat and mice in the world chase the cruel game that I ran doing to you forever.
His friends gather round. "Come out, Bear, and play. "Bear shakes his head. "I'm too sick today. "
But we really gather speed when we head our bikes onto the 8-mile loop that encircles the island.
But we really gather speed when we head our bikes onto the 8-mile loop that encircles the island.