It rely on CMM mainly to gather the data at the present.
If I don't speak about it, why even bother to gather the data?
Learn how to gather the data needed to do this creative dialog writing.
Fortunately, AIX provides a command to gather the data in one fell swoop.
If we do not gather the data we need, we will never know if we are delivering on our promises.
In a spreadsheet gather the data found here to compare to the other competitors and your website too.
How to gather the data, do the analysis, pass it on to change people's thinking, and that will in turn change people's behavior.
But what cannot be measured cannot be managed. If we do not gather the data we need, we will never know if we are delivering on our promises.
The automatic diagnostic collection (ADC) feature was added in Lotus Notes/Domino 6.0.1 to remove the requirement to gather the data from each machine.
LotusNotes/Domino6.0.1中添加的自动诊断收集(automatic diagnostic collection,ADC)特性使管理员不必从每台机器收集数据。
The dashboard layer contains the user interface components used to gather the data that the client service layer uses to generate the request objects.
To gather the data, the team launched an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) on six survey missions beneath the floating tongue of Pine Island Glacier.
The ODBC performance is quite adequate for this example, and will be used both as a client, and to gather the data for graphing the response time results. connection
对于这个例子,ODBC的性能已经足够了,这里我们不但将 ODBC用于客户机,还用于收集数据,以描绘响应时间结果的图形。
Dashboards by their very nature tend to be data centric, so quick and easy ways to gather the data that we wanted to present would provide us good productivity benefits.
And finally, IBM helped set up an it infrastructure to gather the data, apply the algorithm, and tell workers exactly what to load on the trucks and where to find it.
You will not have a lot of data on the following measures in the Inception phase, but you need to have mechanisms in place to gather the data before you leave the phase.
They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers.
No spy agency or criminal organization could actively gather the type of data that we voluntarily post for them.
We now have the ability to gather huge amounts of data.
Without the atlas each researcher could spend a lifetime trying to gather complete gene-expression data for his or her work.
Because "not rushing" allows more time to gather data and better inform the assessment of risk.
The goal of interviewing is to gather data to feed your assessment.
It is a good idea to run a RUNSTATS-equivalent tool to gather statistics on the remote data.
Gather pre-categorized data that will form the basis of a corpus.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Team is looking for ways to improve methodologies to gather reliable data in the field of maternal and newborn health and to evaluate the impact of interventions.
The front-end used to gather data from customers is also key.
Having fixed this usability problem we could also immediately test and gather data on the results.
And during both visits, they went to villages that could be reached only by canoe to gather data about the Achuar people's dreams and dream interpretations.
Here, it is important to point out that the framework you used to gather the assessment data is rarely the best framework for presenting findings back to the client.
Here, it is important to point out that the framework you used to gather the assessment data is rarely the best framework for presenting findings back to the client.