Ada made a Gator hate her, so the Gator ate her.
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Officials say the baby gator was probably a pet that someone let loose.
Lots of beautiful teens are at the beach the weekend before Gator Fest.
The GATOR Vertical Electric pumps are designed to meet the need for a durable and efficient transfer pump.
I have quick reflexes but if the gator was to come all the way out of the waterand chase me I'd have a bad day.
Recently, two more have appeared: the gator (alligator) Bowl at Jacksonville, Florida, and the Sun Bowl at El Paso, Texas.
Hirst decorated a series of 12 one-of-a-kind gator backpacks, adorning them with gold and mutilcolor spots, as well as brightly-hued pills.
Cypress Gardens, 25 miles north of Charleston, was the setting for Noah and Allie's swoony lake scene; you can visit, but not during 'gator season.
Ava is the scabby-kneed runt of the Bigtree “tribe”, a family of alligator wrestlers that has long managed a gator-themed park in south-west Florida.
中的核心人物。 阿瓦是一个膝盖有结痂的矮子,属于大树“部落,”这个家族的成员是同短吻鳄搏斗的摔跤手,他们一直都在福罗里达州的西南部经营一家以鳄鱼为主题的公园。
And McCrory warned drunkards who "absolutely must assault an alligator while inebriated" to first make sure it is not a John Deere Gator cargo utility vehicle.
And McCrory warned drunkards who "absolutely must assault an alligator while inebriated" to first make sure it is not a John Deere Gator cargo utility vehicle.