There the stars and I could gaze at each other, and no time was lost in greeting the dawn.
At least Messrs Kibaki and Odinga now have two teams of negotiators grappling with each other under Mr Annan's gaze.
Whether we are near each other or apart at the ends of the earth, our hearts beat together. In my gaze, there is your always.
In each case, the scientists made up pairs of images which were identical except that in one the person was looking directly at the camera and in the other their gaze was averted.
Some of the characters gaze at a traffic jam or watch each other; all of this appears in the paintings, hinting at the fretfulness in life and a desire for some kind of mercy.
Some of the characters gaze at a traffic jam or watch each other; all of this appears in the paintings, hinting at the fretfulness in life and a desire for some kind of mercy.