Conditional gene knock-out has become an important means to research gene function in vertebrates.
Moreover, it regulates gene knock-out spatially and temporally. Conditional gene knock-out has become an important means to research gene function in vertebrates.
Recent PTP-1B gene knock-out studies and anti-sense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatment in mice have identified PTP-1B as a potential target for chemotherapy of diabetes and obesity.
小鼠ptp - 1b基因敲除及反义核苷酸治疗实验表明PT P - 1b是治疗糖尿病和肥胖症的潜在靶标。
The [researchers] knock out one gene per embryo.It will probably take hundreds [of embryos] to find the gene.
This aversity to double-stranded RNA means short hairpins can be used to knock out the messengers, thus nullifying the signal from the underlying gene.
If they can find a way to knock out that gene in the cherimoya, it could bring Mark Twain's favorite fruit, and many others, to a grocery store near you.
That is because it is relatively easy in flies to knock out the function of a single gene and then attempt cloning with these cells, which will test whether that gene is important.
In Arabidopsis, gene expression studies and analysis of knock-out (KO) mutants have been instrumental in building an integrated view of disease resistance pathways.
In Arabidopsis, gene expression studies and analysis of knock-out (KO) mutants have been instrumental in building an integrated view of disease resistance pathways.