A 63-year-old woman complained of general malaise and insomnia initially.
But these planned elections have fallen victim to a general malaise that has permeated the CPA from the beginning.
Other common symptoms included fatigue, cough, mild sputum production, chills, headache, general malaise and myalgia.
Here, obviously, our appraisal of the situation is more radical than anything that can be associated with the "general malaise" referred to above.
Identifying specific pain points and explaining how your software addresses those is easier than trying to tap into a general malaise and promising a better world.
Some officials, like Mr. Francis, say it is a symptom of summer recess, a tough economy that has left many teenagers out of work and a general sense of anxiety and malaise.
2010 was a year of firming and climbing out of a hole, but the tepid IPO market and general macroeconomic malaise seemed to linger until late in the year (similar to how 1995 felt).
2010 was a year of firming and climbing out of a hole, but the tepid IPO market and general macroeconomic malaise seemed to linger until late in the year (similar to how 1995 felt).