But after General Mills bought EPIC in 2016,Collins and Forrest suddenly had the resources they needed to expand their supply chain.
但在通用磨坊于2016年收购EPIC 后,柯林斯和福雷斯特突然拥有了扩张供应链所需的资源。
A spokeswoman for General Mills refused to comment.
This can have odd results, such as General Mills’ whole-grain Cocoa Puffs.
General Mills - scores in social responsibility, emotional appeal, workplace environment.
通用磨坊general Mills -表现最佳的指标包括:企业社会责任,情感诉求和工作环境。
ConAgra, General Mills, Kellogg's and Kraft recently raised prices for many of their wares.
General Mills had claimed that the cereal could reduce cholesterol levels by 4% in six weeks.
Breakfast - cereal makers, such as Kellogg 's and general mills, have also raised their prices.
A job offer followed in late 2011. General Mills wanted Parsons to work as the Larabar community host.
Sure, Kellogg's and General Mills have big advertising budgets, but they're nowhere near as powerful as Darwin.
The franchise has been a great success, but General Mills and Yoplait are currently at loggerheads over the terms of the renewal of their agreement.
The company, whose high-profile clients include Procter &Gamble, General Mills and American Express, has run 60+ mobile ad campaigns over the past two years.
The FDA recently sent General Mills a letter saying that Cheerios was being "promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug" -lowering cholesterol 4% in six weeks.
The FDA recently sent General Mills a letter saying that Cheerios was being "promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug" — lowering cholesterol 4% in six weeks.
They know that "partnering with a company of General Mills' scale and resources" will definitely help to maximize stockholder value and improve expansion opportunities.
While General Mills shares did not change, the shift on their new acquisition shows the power that company has and how well the public believes the partnership will be.
At the General Mills plant in Cedar Rapids, the initial cleansing process included installing capacitors and replacing components that would go offline easily during a sag.
This would be wise move for General Mills since Annie's shares jumped up by 37 percent last year during the extended hours trading after they made the initial announcement.
The U. S. Department of Agriculture, Kraft, General Mills, Hershey and Mars did not immediately return calls seeking comment that were made outside regular U. S. business hours.
Breakfast cereal makers General Mills and Kellogg, food maker Kraft (owner of Cadbury), and giant beer makers InBev and Anheuser-Busch have all hedged at least part of their requirements.
Carton recalls Chinese takeout a tapering paperboard carton, reminiscent of the classic container for Chinese takeout, is the primary package for a new Chinese meal kit from General Mills.
Although Yoplait is lagging behind Danone in almost all countries, the two are neck-and-neck in America where Yoplait has had a franchise agreement with General Mills for more than three decades.
尽管在很多国家优诺落后于达能,但在美国,得益于与通用磨坊(General Mills)签订的一项长达30年的特许经销商协议,优诺与达能几乎不相上下。
The article describes structure, working principle, design method and characteristics of general pneumatic dust collecting device with equal section main pipe for largescale wood processing mills.
At the moment, in some middle and small-sized aluminum cold rolling mills, the situation of measuring cold rolling sheet aluminum thickness by hand is very general.
Some general materials for the grinding balls and lining boards in ball mills of cement industry were reviewed.
The rolling force prediction models for the 1st & 2nd hot rolling mills in Bao Steel are analysed and compared with the general form of the force prediction model.
This is general coated medium end mills for grooving.
According to present conditions arrangement of operations between the steelmaking shop and the rolling mills of the plant has great influence upon the general plan of the whole plant.
According to present conditions arrangement of operations between the steelmaking shop and the rolling mills of the plant has great influence upon the general plan of the whole plant.