General product quality is also a major driver - we are perfectionists.
General product traceability in the supply chain is a key requirement today.
A new Internet-based general product configuration design tool (IBGPCDT) is introduced.
The first article introduces general product traceability by providing a complete component model view.
With CBD, we've been able to adapt a general product record to the specific requirements of each division.
If yes, please describe how the labels are used (whether retail, bulk or both ways). List general product types and which way they are labeled.
For example, a catalog service may return general product details as a part of the structured message, but return images as attachments to the message.
Three sessions will be dedicated to general product categories, and three others will focus on automotive applications, filtration and nanotechnology.
Virtual assembly technology is an entirely-new design concept. It means to complete the process control for general product design and give model definition and analysis.
It can be used for product, process and facility design as well as to evaluate the types of hazards for the general product type, then the product class, and finally the specific product.
The Healthy Choice product line was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the general public.
Sometimes, the risk level has nothing to do with the "health" of the code, but because the feature (or configuration) in question is so critical to the product in general or to specific customers.
Typically, you first start with stakeholder requests, which are the general needs of those who have a stake in the finished product.
Executives must stop focusing on labor costs, which, with automation, have become a tiny part of product costs, and look into how to right-size marketing, sales, and general overhead expenses.
Prior to the general release of a "product under development Version 2.0," teams are starting the maintenance and service releases for that same product.
How do we have a huge impact on the research field in general, as well as with product groups to influence the future of Microsoft products?
While the product name has changed, the general concepts and techniques for customizing this type of pattern remain pretty well intact.
There was general agreement that the PC had become a commodity product, its makers mere box-shifters, and that growth prospects were mediocre.
Decision: at the end of the day, you will likely meet with a Program Manager or someone else for a general conversation (product demos, concerns about the company, your competing offers, etc).
She specializes in the IBM product General Parallel File System (GPFS).
她专门研究IBM 的产品 ——通用并行文件系统(GPFS)。
One reason is that, for lesser-known brands, negative perceptions fade more quickly in consumers' minds than their general awareness of the product.
The general steps to silently install an Eclipse-based Rational Software Development Platform product from an installation image on a network drive are
由网络驱动器上的安装镜像以静默方式安装基于Eclipse 的Rational软件开发平台产品的一般步骤是
Familiarity with this product is assumed throughout this article; the article does not cover installation, configuration, and general use of the Extender here.
The general principles described in this article can be adapted for many product and platform combinations. This particular solution was deployed and tested using the following AIX V5.3 software.
Additionally, there's a general rule in pricing a product: the higher the price, the harder you'll have to work to acquire a customer for that item.
Capgemini initially tried to build a general DSL for pension plans but now using Intentional they intend to release a Domain Workbench as a product for all of their pension firms clients.
Capgemini initially tried to build a general DSL for pension plans but now using Intentional they intend to release a Domain Workbench as a product for all of their pension firms clients.