That book suits general reader most.
It is the best for the general reader.
That book is the best for the general reader.
This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist.
While the book will be welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader.
Nigel is an award-winning science writer who specializes in astronomy and space for the general reader.
This is the first book to tell the general reader about what's really happening now in dinosaur research.
The book is fluidly written and its felicitous style makes parts of it accessible to even a general reader.
Written for the general reader, this lively account of "the other side" includes distinctive photographs and sources.
I have found this particularly necessary as regards periods with which the general reader cannot be assumed to be familiar.
If the purpose is to amuse the readers, is for the general reader of western translation, appropriate USES set of translation.
SimpleXML delivers the filtered and formatted data straight to the browser in XHTML, thereby reducing the burden on the general reader.
Neuroscientist Simon LeVay has written an absolutely superb book, aimed at the general reader, discussing in detail what we now know.
Study of sign languages is a recent phenomenon, and as a result relatively little information is available to the general reader about these languages.
A book on maths for the general reader has to be well and enthusiastically written. It needs to stimulate the mind and illustrate the relevance and beauty of the subject.
How to find the information that they needed from so many information, the general reader is difficult to achieve. This is the objective of the proposed requirements for library manager.
"The general reader gets to see the man beyond the aphorisms," says Harriet Smith, editor of the Mark Twain Project, "but for the serious academic there are no new facts about his life revealed."
The good reader can recognize and understand general ideas and specific details.
It presents the general issues that arise from technology and admonishes the reader to consider both the benefits and possible disadvantages that come from using it.
The general reading public received the benefit of this, while losing little: copyright restricted only publication, not the things an ordinary reader could do.
What is critical is that the step Numbers correspond to those in the use case and the general idea of the step is apparent to the reader of the diagram.
Because this isn't likely, I opted to keep the code simple, but be warned if you want to program a truly general Atom reader!
Our blog reader controller listens to events flowing from the view components and reacts to them by operating on the model. In general, the UI events are
As a programmer, you are interested in ways of allowing the machine to help the reader. Here's an example of how you can ask the machine to clarify a general idea.
This program is different than the cloud reader in that it functions as a good general use eBook reader and will read all Kindle-readable formats offline.
A title summarizes the contents of a research article and gives the reader a general idea of the main themes discussed in it.
Its purpose is to allow the reader to the work of summing up the picture there is a general understanding, reading, understanding the whole foundation.
Its purpose is to allow the reader to the work of summing up the picture there is a general understanding, reading, understanding the whole foundation.