Our electricity comes from a new generating station.
They will tie the generating station in with the power system.
It is the power behind a 880 megawatt hydroelectric generating station.
This generating station in Canada, burns biomass fuel from nearby sawmills produce energy.
In fact, Indiana is home to the country's largest coal power plant, the Gibson Generating Station.
Answer: power transmission lines bring power from a generating station to an electrical substation.
Thee potential energy difference between a unit quantity of water above‖and below the generating station.
发电站上面的单位水量与下面的单位水量之间的势能差。 。
Turbines at the Barrage DE la rance electric power generating station in France create a whirlpool in the rance River.
Introduces the heavy repair process and its management of the first generator unit in Shanxi Hydroelectric Generating Station.
It also can be taken as reference for wet industrial residue storage, cinder storage of generating station and tailing pond of dry treatment.
This mighty electricity-generating power station was built on the express orders of the president.
Honda will monitor how effective the charging station is at generating electricity, and ways to improve the convenience and usability of the charging station for customers.
The appropriately titled Elektrownia Belchatow – a massive coal-fired power station – belched out 30, 862, 792 tonnes of CO2 last year and by 2010 the whole generating facility will have grown by 20%.
“实至名归”的ElektrowniaBelchatow——是一家大规模燃煤电站——其去年排放了30 862 792吨二氧化碳,到2010年整个发电设施将增长20 %。
A system for generating secure documents includes a station for generating a plain document and a security image generator that generates a security image.
The generating of pseudo random sequence is one of the key subjects to realize the spread spectrum technique upgrade for BPC low frequency time code radio station.
A thermal power station generating electricity by means of an electromagnetic field acting on a plasma stream.
With the development of large scale hydropower station and the increase of installed capacity of generating unit, the evaporation cooling has been applied widely.
Technical water supply is the important component of Hydropower station, which is related to the safe, steady and effective run of the hydroelectric generating units of Hydropower station.
To increase power generating benefits of the pumped-storage station, this paper mainly discussed the program of reservoir dispatching optimization, which based on long-term hydrological forecasting.
It is very important to improve the predictive precision of reheated vapour temperature for enhancing the economy and reliability of the generating unit in power station.
For the. 300mw electric generating unit at Daba Power Station the division zone model for the simulation of the radiative heat transfer is set up on the basis of network analytic method.
This station has carried out the black startup test on No. 3 generating unit.
The gain value of the PSS for the generating unit of Ertan Hydro Station is adjusted on the basis of the field test, which has achieved good damping effectiveness.
The technical innovation for installation works of ALSTOM 700 MW hydro-generating units of TGP's Left-bank Power Station is described.
介绍了三峡左岸电站ALSTOM 700MW水轮发电机组安装工作中的技术革新。
The runners of 6 operated generating unit of Ertan Hydro Station have been checked and no crack on the primary weld of the field welding position is observed.
The runners of 6 operated generating unit of Ertan Hydro Station have been checked and no crack on the primary weld of the field welding position is observed.