Coal and natural gas are mainly used for electricity generation, whereas oil is used mostly to power transportation, yet the prices of all these energy sources are linked.
Turkey has improved the efficiency of its electricity market while increasing private sector participation in power distribution and generation.
Derive We have derived benefit from the new method of generation of electricity.
Establishing a national renewable electricity standard will help to unify the fragmented U.S. grid system — an important step in the wider adoption of using more wind and solar for energy generation.
And there has been no more fundamental, epoch-making modern innovation than the large-scale commercial generation, transmission, distribution, and conversion of electricity.
Of course, solar power represents just 0.375 percent of all installed power generation worldwide and there's the little problem of producing electricity at night.
The resulting estimate for wind speed in a particular location can then be converted into an estimate of electricity generation using a power curve, based on the capabilities of specific turbines.
The association estimates that generation of nuclear power would rise by 20% between now and 2030, but the share of nuclear in electricity generation would fall from 14% to 11% during the same period.
Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2.
Britain needs to increase its capacity for electricity generation because all but one of the country's nuclear facilities, and half of its coal power plants, are due to shut by 2023.
WHO said the reasons for the high pollution levels varied, but that often rapid industrialization and the use of poor quality fuels for transportation and electricity generation are to blame.
In the last ten years, Turkey has also improved the efficiency of its electricity market while increasing private sector participation in power distribution and generation.
Indeed, many experts believe that the future of electricity generation will not come from further refinement of solar, wind, coal or nuclear energy, but from fuel cells.
Nuclear power made up 14% of the state's electricity generation in 2009, and several more reactors may be built, pending approval from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The rest of the plant can then be further used to produce liquid fuels, or burned to produce steam for electricity generation.
Advocates like the former oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens have also long sought to promote it as a substitute for coal in electricity generation or gasoline in a new generation of natural gas cars.
Distributed generation USES a larger number of smaller generators throughout the electricity network.
The idea of wireless power transfer is almost as old as electricity generation itself.
The ability to control demand would make it easier to fit large amounts of intermittent renewable energy into the electricity system without running expensive backup generation.
The software that runs in conjunction even allows the homeowner to turn off circuits remotely and to set power consumption limits based on current solar generation rates or the cost of electricity.
In Ulan Bator, the air pollution is mainly related to the burning of coal, wood and everything else for heating, cooking, and electricity generation.
Last year the industry installed 37, 500 megawatts of electricity-generation capacity, increasing the total installed base by almost a third. Capacity in China doubled.
Its capacity, of 25 gigawatts (GW), makes it the largest power-generation firm in Russia, the world's fourth-biggest market for electricity.
This change reduces the potential revenue generation of the policy and runs the risk that low electricity costs could actually encourage greater usage.
Windpower will never, of course, replace the day-in-day-out reliability of nuclear or other thermal forms of electricity generation.
Since then, the goals of power generation and flood control have sometimes been in conflict. Regulating water levels can reduce how much electricity is made.
Since then, the goals of power generation and flood control have sometimes been in conflict. Regulating water levels can reduce how much electricity is made.