Search techniques such as Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and Random Walk Algorithms have been used extensively for global optimization.
The paper briefly introduces some modern optimum algorithms of simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, neural networks and graphic algorithms in and applied in prediction of protein structure.
In addition, hypothesis-test based simulated annealing (SA) and genetic algorithms are proposed respectively by incorporating the statistical idea of hypothesis test into intelligent algorithms.
Combining the settlement characteristics of earth-rockfill dam, the model of genetic algorithms and genetic simulated annealing algorithms is established.
In the aspect design coating system, a new idea to combine the general way and the simulated annealing genetic algorithms (SAGA) is brought forward.
A methodology of most dangerous sliding surface search and slope stability analysis is proposed by combining mixed genetic-simulated annealing algorithms with Sweden arc method.
Hence, we combined the simulated annealing and genetic algorithms and the simulated annealing genetic algorithms was proposed.
It is more suitable than simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for solving the problem that presents many local minima. Experimental results show the method is efficient.
The new global search algorithms result from the combination of the genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algorithms.
The new global search algorithms result from the combination of the genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algorithms.