On July 27th official statistics showed that, for the first time, the use of genetically modified animals has outstripped that of conventional creatures.
WHO, jointly with FAO, will convene a series of expert consultations to assess the safety and nutritional aspects of foods derived from genetically modified plants, microorganisms, and animals.
The American Anti-Vivisection Society and other animal rights groups have been critical of efforts to create genetically modified dogs, cats, and other animals.
And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves.
According to the research, animals fed on three strains of genetically modified maize created by the U. s. biotech firm Monsanto suffered signs of organ damage after just three months.
Russian scientists have proven that genetically modified soy causes sterility in lab animals. Other types of genetically modified crops have shown the same results.
In many countries researchers are developing genetically modified farm animals such As sheep to make the drugs of the future.
In many countries researchers are developing genetically modified farm animals such As sheep to make the drugs of the future.