In 1785, King Charles III of Spain sent George Washington a male donkey as a gift.
Everyone else was an American, and those who chose to fight for King George III had chosen the wrong side.
Victoria was the granddaughter of George III, and was almost entirely of German descent.
The Royal Academy was founded in 1768 by George III to help Britain's artists and architects gain professional recognition.
It lists all royal diary appointments from the previous day and was created by George III in 1803, reportedly after he became frustrated with inaccurate newspaper reports.
October 25, 1760, George III becomes King of Great Britain.
MARY delany-aristocrat, gardener, prodigious letter-writer, woman of fashion and friend to George Frideric Handel, Jonathan Swift and King George III, died childless more than 220 years ago.
In 1762 ownership changed hands when it became the private home of King George III.
The last time a midwife announced "It's a girl", the Napoleonic war was still being fought, the motorcar was yet to be invented, and "mad" King George III was on the English throne.
George III clapped John Wilkes in the Tower for his diatribe not for his documents.
After Arnold presented the smallest repeating watch ever made to King George III and to the court, he rapidly acquired a wealthy clientele.
The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.
Voltaire thought Hamlet the work of a 'drunken savage': George III confided: 'Was there ever such stuff as great part of Shakespeare?
It's interesting to note that the Royal Yacht was furnished in a much more contemporary style than the palaces, with their George III antique tables.
George III had had it built years before, insisting that it be superb.
George Lucas took such an interest in the look and personality of Quinlan that he included him in the script to Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
James Gillray. 1787. George III, Queen Charlotte, and the Prince of Wales gorging at the public trough.
James Gillray,1787年,乔治三世、夏洛特王后和威尔斯亲王在公共水槽边狼吞虎嚥。
James Gillray. 1787. George III, Queen Charlotte, and the Prince of Wales gorging at the public trough.
James Gillray,1787年,乔治三世、夏洛特王后和威尔斯亲王在公共水槽边狼吞虎嚥。