George W Bush and Condoleeza Rice got a private tour in January.
He presents as an example the failure of the George W. Bush administration.
He present as an example the failure of the George W. Bush administration to prepare properly for the after-effects of the invasion of Iraq.
Who are you with, ? George W. Bush or Wall Street Journal, Ken?
Prescott Bush, father of George H. W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, served there as a partner both before and after his tenure in the U.S. Senate.
George W. Bush seemed well on his way to winning the Republican nomination, as several of his challengers dropped out, leaving only Senator John McCain with any chance of stopping him.
In today's cartoon Pat Oliphant shows us the young George W. Bush returning a bunch of keys to his father, who is seated in an armchair.
Michael Moore was prowling the Riviera, and this time the game he aimed at was George W. Bush.
Barely five years after George W. Bush considered (supposedly) an attack on its offices, Al-Jazeera's English service is the channel of choice on American military television sets in Afghanistan.
In a curious reversal of roles, Bill Clinton treaded carefully after the failure of his national health plan, but George W. Bush spent freely.
By 2000, when George W. Bush visited, the university was widely reviled.
George W. Bush has yet to decide what, if anything, he will do to combat global warming.
George w. Bush is very much complicit in the nationalization of GM and the cascade of similar interventions that may follow.
Al Gore and George W. Bush had both won handily in Iowa, as expected.
As the news broke Friday, conservative pundits were in high-gear robotically regurgitating the primary talking point that Obama won the award simply for not being George W. Bush.
He says he still likes Obama, and that he prefers him to George W. Bush.
Poor George W. Bush. He couldn't even give John McCain that.
But the common wisdom in Manhattan publishing circles was that George W. Bush would have to cool his heels for a while before he penned his memoir.
Personally, Obama is far more popular overseas than was George W. Bush, and that popularity has brought the nastiness of adversaries like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad into sharper relief.
Neither George H. Bush at Madrid in 1991 nor Bill Clinton at Camp David in 2000 nor George W. Bush at Annapolis in 2007 succeeded in making peace or even bringing it visibly closer.
John McCain defeated George W. Bush in New Hampshire 49-31 percent.
In his youth George W. Bush had a reputation for carousing; he was not the most responsible of young men.
Steve Ballmer has done to Microsoft what George W. Bush did to the United States from 2000-2008 — run things straight into the ground.
史蒂夫·鲍尔默掌管微软期间的所作所为与小布什在2000- 2008年期间统帅美国时的做法如出一辙,典型的成事不足败事有余。
For the moment, the candidates are appealing to a Republican Party whose core is so contorted in fury at Mr. Obama that it barely resembles the one that nominated George W. Bush in 2000.
Something has changed, and it's not just that Barack Obama has replaced George W. Bush or, in France's case, that the film industry is doing o.k..
Then it did burst, and George W. Bush slunk off to Texas, leaving Barack Obama to clean up the mess.
然后,泡沫终于破裂,乔治。W .布什溜到德州,留给奥巴马一个乱摊子。
Then it did burst, and George W. Bush slunk off to Texas, leaving Barack Obama to clean up the mess.
然后,泡沫终于破裂,乔治。W .布什溜到德州,留给奥巴马一个乱摊子。