He received his undergraduate degree in East Asian studies in 1995 from the College of William and Mary and graduated from Georgetown University's law school in 2001.
1995年,他获得了威廉·玛丽学院(Collegeof Williamand Mary)的东亚研究专业本科学位,2001年又从乔治城大学(GeorgetownUniversity)法学院毕业。
He received his undergraduate degree in East Asian studies in 1995 from the College of William and Mary and graduated from Georgetown University's law school in 2001.
1995年,他获得了威廉·玛丽学院(Collegeof Williamand Mary)的东亚研究专业本科学位,2001年又从乔治城大学(GeorgetownUniversity)法学院毕业。