'How can you go to school, work part-time and get good grades, and pay off $20, 000 a year You can't, ' he says.
他说,你怎么能够边上学,边兼职打工,获得好成绩,又能交纳一年2万美元的学费? 你做不到。
In many cases, wives or husbands are keeping a job that they really don't like or get enough pay for simply because their job offers good insurance for health coverage for their family.
Users also have to pay $25 a month for unlimited calls. And they need a high-definition television set as well as a fast internet connection to get good results.
They have to pay — the premium has to cover the costs, so it was tough to get someone to buy life insurance even though they really needed it — it was such a good idea for them.
When the finance section of our company announced that everyone would get a pay rise, there was a lot of good cheer in the office.
Even at the low end of expectations, it will be about HK$1 more than leading fast-food outlets often pay—a good guide to market conditions—so many poorly paid people will get a boost.
It's very hard to get a good tenant, you can get a really bad tenant who doesn't pay, "Shek says."
"If you get a good meal and you want to pay it forward, you can," founder Dan Newman told The Huffington Post.
We should pay attention to our personal hygiene and get a good habit.
He boasts a good deal about the good job he's got, but if the firm does not pay him a better salary than they pay most of their employees, he won't get very fat on it.
The pay is not good, but I can get a lot of tips.
And the number one issue for the people I meet is how we can get back to a place where we're creating good, middle-class jobs that pay well and offer some security.
When the prices are listed , we can buy Besides, we can pay for our goods after we get them. Don't you think it's a good way to go shopping?
In the credit activities, money-raisers usually pay a cost and undertake risk in order to gain the funds. Good money-raisers would get more money at lower cost and risk.
The good news is that it is easy to pay back a sleep debt. Depending on how much in debt you may be, two nights of at least eight hours of deep sleep should get you back into balance.
The good news is that it is easy to pay back a sleep debt. Depending on how much in debt you may be, two nights of at least eight hours of deep sleep should get you back into balance.