For all its efforts to get back on its feet, there is still much for customers and trading partners to worry about.
Mr Papandreou told parliament at the start of a three-day debate on the measure that it was the only chance for Greece to get back on its feet.
Only a drastic reduction in its public debt will allow Greece to get back on its feet. Yet the ECB has hindered this solution by insisting that any write-down must be voluntary.
The new chairman hopes to get the company back on its feet within six months.
In short, our goal is to get GM back on its feet, take a hands-off approach, and get out quickly.
Barka, a charity that aims to repatriate destitute Polish migrants and help them get back on their feet at its centres in Poland, is now working with SHOC.
If Renault does follow Honda, BMW and Toyota through the exit door, let's hope it finds a suitable buyer that will give its beleaguered staff a chance to get this once-great team back on its feet.
If Renault does follow Honda, BMW and Toyota through the exit door, let's hope it finds a suitable buyer that will give its beleaguered staff a chance to get this once-great team back on its feet.